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 Dan McCarthy

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7480
Age : 35
Localisation : AO
Matériel : Un lecteur VHS
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2006

Dan McCarthy Empty
MessageSujet: Dan McCarthy   Dan McCarthy EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2008, 21:49

Dan McCarthy Danny_1

Q&A with Dan McCarthy

A conversation with the I.B.O. Triple Crown winner

HOYT: How long have you been shooting Hoyt?
DAN: I've been shooting a Hoyt bow for nine years. I'm so glad that I switched to a Hoyt back in 2000. It was the best decision I've ever made!

HOYT: What bow/cam setup are you currently shooting? What do you like best about it?
DAN: I'm shooting the Vantage X8 setup with Spiral Cam & 1/2's. I love the long riser length and XT 2000 limb combination. That combination aims and shoots better than any other bow I've ever shot! It's just an amazing setup.

HOYT: You've had a great year so far, and you just won the I.B.O. Triple Crown. Why do you think you've been in such a zone lately?
DAN: Ha ha ha. If I knew, I'd do whatever it is every year! Honestly, it's just hard to say. Maybe I've been getting up on the right side of the bed lately! Or maybe it's just the bow!

HOYT: You've enjoyed a lot of success throughout your career. Tell us about your most memorable moments/victories.
DAN: My most memorable moments include Gainesville, FL – my first pro tournament my rookie year. Winning that tournament will stick with me forever. Also, winning my first ASA Classic and Shooter of the Year title in Columbus, GA in 2005. Next would be when I won Redding, CA in 2007. It had been a long time since I'd won a tournament. Bad luck, bad performance, and bad decisions made for a long dry spell without a win, but winning Redding might have been the best moment of my entire career. When you get in a slump it can be hard to pull yourself out, but when you finally do pull yourself out it feels so good! And of course winning the I.B.O. Triple Crown this year is also one of my most memorable victories. I've worked hard for that title every year and it always seemed to elude me. It’s just icing on the cake to a great season that I thank God for everyday.

HOYT: Besides being a champion target archer, you're also an avid bowhunter. What Hoyt bow do you prefer to hunt with?
DAN: This year I plan on hunting with the Katera XL. I like a bow that has the perfect combination of speed, axle-to-axle length, and brace height for hunting, and the Katera XL has it all.

HOYT: About how many days a year do you hunt, and what are your favorite animals to pursue?
DAN: I usually hunt about 75 days a year – which is never enough. I love hunting and wish I could do it everyday. I usually start in September and quit hunting in November to start preparing for the tournament season. I love hunting white-tailed deer. Growing up in the Midwest, deer hunting is something I was raised doing and it's something I hope to continue doing and sharing with my father for as long as I get the chance.

HOYT: How does target archery help you prepare for the hunt?
DAN: Target archery helps in many ways. Other than the obvious benefit of it making me a better shot, it also prepares me mentally for the problems that I might encounter on the hunt. Once you've had a one-arrow shoot-off for about $20,000.00, you don't seem to get as nervous drawing back and shooting at a Pope & Young animal anymore! But even so, I still get a little nervous. That's why I love hunting so much.

HOYT: What tournaments are you most looking forward to throughout the remainder of the '08 season?
DAN: I'm really looking forward to the ASA Classic. I'm in second place at the moment for Shooter of the Year, and I'm hoping to make those points up and also win the tournament. It's going to take a combination of really hard work, a great performance, and some luck. The other tournament that I'm looking forward to is the I.B.O. World Championship. I always look forward to it. I just hope that I'm blessed with another good finish there to end my season. It's always been important to me how I end the last tournament of the year because that's the last thing I'll remember when I begin to prepare for my next season.

HOYT: What's left for you to accomplish? Are there any specific goals you're working toward?
DAN: I've always wanted to win Vegas. I'm not sure if it will ever happen but it'll always be a goal of mine. Another goal that’s really important to me is to never lose focus on what's most important in my life, and to always give thanks for my family, my friends, my success, and the people who help me to do the job that I love doing! Thanks for everything, Hoyt!

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7480
Age : 35
Localisation : AO
Matériel : Un lecteur VHS
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2006

Dan McCarthy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dan McCarthy   Dan McCarthy EmptyDim 03 Aoû 2008, 22:06

Citation :
I'm shooting the Vantage X8 setup with Spiral Cam & 1/2's

Les Spiral Cam ne sont plus sur les nouveaux modèles mais il dit en tirer sur son arc...Que comprendre? Que les poulies d'origine ne sont pas assez bien et qu'il a du bidouiller? Pas top comme publicité je trouve...
Surtout que ce montage peut difficilement etre fait par Mr Toutlemonde...
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